First Step towards the life.
The educational program given to our Kindergarten students is woven into the undertakings and exercises of the day. Social mix and the advancement of positive social abilities is a core piece of our scholarly program. Our students figure out how to share and be strong for one another while cooperating on ventures and homeroom exercises. They structure solid friendships and teachers turn into their family during the school hours.
Pre-K Curriculum Overview
Physical Development
Through open doors for physical play, our students become logically increasingly gifted at undertakings that require body movements, getting progressively mindful of how they can utilize their bodies to express thoughts and sentiments. They accomplish this by moving in various manners as they react to their dispositions and emotions or to music or thoughts.
During the Pre-Kindergarten year, youngsters are presented to:
- A scope of various manners by which to utilize their bodies in physical movement.
- Vigorous exercises both indoors and outdoors.
- Music and creative thoughts through expressive movement.
- Running, bouncing, skipping, climbing, adjusting, and tossing.
- Working with others helpfully in physical play and games.
- Exercises utilizing their fingers and hands.
Scholarly Development
Scholarly improvement includes a kid’s capacity to think reason and take care of issues. It incorporates shaping ideas, recalling thoughts, and perceiving objects.
During the Pre-Kindergarten year, youngsters are presented to:
- Finding out about hues and their names
- Looking at objects
- Shapes
- Narrating and reactions to stories
- Utilizing English words to convey
- Making expectations
- Estimating
- Sequencing
- Exercises
Materials and ideas are generally exhibited to kids through an assortment of study hall focuses. Coming up next is a depiction of some of these generally utilized focuses that are accessible in the homeroom for our students to investigate.
Through intuitive play with squares, youngsters create ideas identifying with size, shape, space, weight, parity, and balance. They likewise improve abilities by language and social skills that include arranging and settling. What’s more, they get fulfillment from finishing errands which brings about the fostering of self-assurance. Basic reasoning abilities are created through arranging and critical thinking.
The utilization of squares is likewise the start of theoretical deduction as kids use items to speak to different things, for example, houses, or car doors.
In the library region youngsters can improve and create oral language, tuning in and understanding abilities, adapting new ideas, and building up a love for books.
Drawing Table and Art Center
The craftsmanship focus improves inventive thoughts, social abilities, and oral language. They are altogether refined through the portrayal of thoughts and the investigation of various materials and ideas including size, shape, surface, and shading. Kids can express their emotions and discover delight through craft activities.
While utilizing clay, kids reinforce their finger muscles which are used when molding. They share thoughts and materials, practice social abilities and share their jargon through activities. Words, for example, cutting, pressing and moving are presented while they inventively try different things with clay.
Language Arts
Our Language Arts program gives guidance in using, composing, talking, seeing, phonics, jargon, penmanship, and the structure of language. Guidance is completed in an entire class setting, in little gatherings and on an individual premise where fitting. An assortment of strategies and materials are utilized to show competence, broaden thinking, and refine the language improvement of our students.
A wide scope of strategies and techniques related with writing are utilized to show Language Arts. Industrially created materials are used related to teacher and student made materials to instruct and create a climate fitting to the age and improvement of every kid.
Students learn, create and refine their using, composing, talking, and listening skills through training with their instructor and by means of friend support. A writing based way opens students to incredible works of children’s writing, advancing basic analyzing skills, thinking, and speaking abilities.
Through our writing based way to deal with instructing and learning, our Kindergarten students are presented to the composed word to build up their proficiency and readings abilities.
Before the end of Kindergarten 1 it is expected that our students will have the ability to:
- Recognize character, setting, plot, and events
- Understand and write upper and lower case letters
- Recognize rhyming sounds and words
- Sort and group pictures and items into classes
- Retell and arrange a commonplace story
- Show enthusiasm for books and stories
- Recognize and write their first name
- Perceive letters and their sounds
- Work on writing by copying text
Speaking and Listening
During the school year, our students will be urged to:
- Express thoughts correctly
- Take an interest in the translation of writing through workmanship by showcasing a story or finger play
- See how to alternate in conversational circumstances
In our Mathematics program our students are dynamic people who build, alter and coordinate thoughts by associating with materials, their general surroundings and their friends. Hence, the learning of science turns into a functioning procedure whereby our students investigate, legitimize, present, unravel, build, talk about, examine, depict, create and foresee. These activities require the physical and mental inclusion of our students.
Such an educational program has the accompanying attributes:
- Students are effectively engaged with learning Mathematics
- Students are effectively engaged with critical thinking
Before the end of the school year the accompanying Math ideas will be secured:
- Numbers and number sense
- Numeration – utilizing items to investigate numbers by counting forwards and backwards
- Understanding numbers
- Reciting numbers to 20
- Estimation – using items to calculate amount
- Geometry – distinguishing essential geometric shapes, for example, squares and circles
- Insights and likelihood – taking an interest in the creation and examination of gathering charts and researching, arranging and ordering objects by numerous traits.
Social Studies and Social Development
Social Studies ideas and abilities are created all through the Elementary school a long time in a consistently expanding viewpoint. In Kindergarten 1 focus is set on understanding the roles of people inside the family, school, and community. Recent developments and significant national, worldwide occasions and festivities are examined.
Before the end of Kindergarten 1 students are expected to have the ability to:
- Show an individual awareness of self as a member of the family and community
- Name and understand the role of community helpers
- Show awareness of different cultures
- Play and work co-operatively
- Respect themselves, others and the environment
- Share and take turns
- Seek appropriate amounts of adult attention
- Follow classroom rules
- Accept the roles of leaders and followers
- Display self-control
- Accept responsibility for behavior and work
- Make good decisions
The Science program is largely presented as an activity oriented subject and covers all major science areas including life science and physical science. These skills are precursors to the primary grades where students are taught skills in observing, recording information, classifying, and predicting.
By the end of the school year students are expected to be able to:
- Demonstrate basic scientific skills in observing, classifying and predicting
- Understand the relationship between earth and the environment
- Demonstrate curiosity and a willingness to explore and experiment
- Recognize and use some common forms of technology
Kindergarten II Curriculum Overview
Language Arts
The Language Arts program provides instruction in reading, writing, speaking, listening, viewing, phonics, vocabulary, handwriting and the structure of language. Instruction is carried out in a whole class setting, in small groups and on an individual basis where appropriate. A variety of methods and materials are used to teach basic skills, extend thinking, and promote and refine the language development of our students.
A wide range of techniques and methods emphasizing literature are used to teach Language Arts. Commercially produced materials are utilized in conjunction with teacher and student made materials to teach and develop skills appropriate to the age and development of each child.
Students learn, develop and refine their reading, writing, speaking and listening skills through practice with their teacher and via peer support. A literature based approach to teaching exposes students to great works of children’s literature, promoting critical reading, thinking and discussion skills as a love of reading is fostered.
Through our literature based approach to teaching and learning our Kindergarten students are exposed to the written word to develop their literacy and readings skills.
By the end of Kindergarten II it is anticipated that our students will be able to:
- Identify character, setting ,conflict, and solutions
- Match and write upper and lower case letters
- Identify rhyming sounds and words
- Sort and classify pictures and objects into categories
- Retell and organize a familiar story into sequence
- Show interest in books and stories
- Recognize and read their first and last names and simple vocabulary
- Understand concepts of print including left to right progression and top to bottom orientation using pictures, objects, or text
Writing and Handwriting
By the end of the school year Kindergarten II students will be able to:
- Attach meaning to pictures via print
- Hear and record sounds in words
- Practice writing by copying print
- Legibly form upper and lower case manuscript letters
- Legibly form the numerals 0 – 20
- Use inventive spelling
Speaking and Listening
During the school year, our students will be encouraged to:
- Express ideas clearly
- Make relevant contributions to group discussions
- Participate in the interpretation of literature through art and music
- Understand how to take turns in conversational situations
- Tell a story to describe their drawings
Fine Motor Development
By the end of Kindergarten II it is anticipated that our students will be able to:
- Demonstrate motor skills including cutting, gluing, trading, coloring and folding
- Demonstrate self-help skills including dressing, zipping, buttoning, tying, and snapping
- Demonstrate pencil control
The learning of Math is an active process.
By the end of the school year students will be able to:
- Demonstrate an understanding of sets and whole numbers
- Measure and compare the length, weight, mass, and temperature of objects
- Demonstrate an awareness of the passage of time
- Identify the characteristics of two dimensional shapes and three dimensional objects
- Recognize and use patterns
- Show a willingness to persevere in solving problems
- Identify a clock as a means of measuring time
Social Studies and Social Development
Social Studies concepts and skills are developed throughout the elementary school years in an ever-broadening perspective. In Kindergarten II emphasis is placed on understanding the role of individuals within the family, school, and community.
Map and globe skills are introduced as the student begins to understand how groups of people interrelate and depend on each other. Current events and important national, international holidays and celebrations are discussed.
By the end of Kindergarten II students are expected to be able to:
- Show an individual awareness of self as a member of the family and community
- Name and understand the role of community helpers
- Show awareness of different cultures
- Play and work co-operatively
- Respect themselves, others and the environment
- Share and take turns
- Seek appropriate amounts of adult attention
- Follow classroom rules
- Accept the roles of leaders and followers
- Display self-control
- Accept responsibility for behavior and work
- Make good decisions
The Science program is presented as active, hands on subject.
By the end of the school year students are expected to be able to:
- Demonstrate curiosity and a willingness to explore and experiment
- Demonstrate an understanding of and care for the natural world
- Demonstrate an awareness of the characteristics and functions of some common materials
- Demonstrate an understanding of strategies for planning and organizing
- Recognize and use some common forms of technology